15-3-2015 Edward Snowden issues 'call to arms' for tech companies in secret SXSW meeting http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/15/8218659/edward-snowden-secret-sxsw-2015-meeting "Last year, having Edward Snowden in the big room was fantastic. But for 2015, we wanted to do something a lot more intimate," he said.
6-3-2015 video boodschap op International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights in Geneve, where the Oscar-winning documentary about his case, Citizenfour, was screened. Snowden: Asylum In Switzerland A 'Great Political Option'
3-3-2015 Reuters ‘Fugitive ex-NSA contractor Snowden seeks to come home: lawyer’ http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/03/us-russia-usa-snowden-idUSKBN0LZ1U020150303
2-3-2015 Edward Snowden's message to Guardian readers – video http://www.theguardian.com/membership/video/2015/mar/10/edward-snowden-message-guardian-readers-membership-video
6-3-2015 video boodschap op International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights in Geneve, where the Oscar-winning documentary about his case, Citizenfour, was screened. Snowden: Asylum In Switzerland A 'Great Political Option'
23-2-2015 Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour wins Oscar
16-2-2015 Filmopnamen Snowden thriller- Oliver Stone gestart . Première verwacht in VS op 25 december 2015 http://www.film1.nl/films/46946-Snowden.html / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowden_%28film%29
9-2-2015 Snowden on Cyber Warfare: “We Really Started This Trend” The government says it’s made reforms to its surveillance programs. But how much is really different? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/government-elections-politics/united-states-of-secrets/how-the-nsa-spying-programs-have-changed-since-snowden/
8-1-2015 'How the NSA Spying Programs Have Changed Since Snowden', Edward Snowden talks with NOVA about how U.S. spying raises the risk of cyber attacks. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/government-elections-politics/united-states-of-secrets/snowden-on-cyber-warfare-we-really-started-this-trend/