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37ste Internationale privacy Conferentie

37ste Internationale privacy Conferentie
ma, 26. oktober 2015 - di, 27. oktober 2015


De Internationale Privacy Conference bestaat uit een besloten en een open gedeelte. De besloten sessies op 26 and 27 October behelzen de jaarlijkse mondiale vergadering van dataprotectie toezichthouders en ‘privacy enforcement authorities’.

Tijdens de open bijeenkomsten op 28 and 29 October zullen privacy experts uit de private en publieke sector, academici, NGO’s en from the public and the privacy sector, academia, NGOs and regelgevers vanuit de hele wereld delnemen aan de discussies.

Programma: https://www.privacyconference2015.org/conference-programm/

Keynote speeches: Daan Roosegaarde - kunstenaar and innovator

                            Věra Jourová -Europese Commissaris voor Justitie, Consumentenbelangen en gendergelijkheid.

                            Klaas Dijkhoff – staatssekretaris voor Veiligheids en Justitie

Voor meer informatie over programma en aanmelding zie: https://www.privacyconference2015.org/about-the-conference-menu/

Locatie: The Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA) Piet Heinkade 27 1019 BR Amsterdam

Organisatie: College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens

Voertaal: engels

Toelichting op de twee topkwesties die aan de orde zullen komen:

During this conference up to 800 privacy professionals from all over the world will discuss the main data protection developments in the world.  Two of the conference’s main issues are building ‘privacy bridges’ and a privacy ‘Tour du Monde’.

Building Bridges
There are many ways in which the protection of personal data has been laid down in legislation in the various legal systems. For example, in the European Union data protection is a fundamental right, while in the United States it is part of consumer protection law. This leads to ambiguous situations and dilemmas for individuals, companies and privacy authorities. Processing operations by popular, non-European internet services are for example not always in compliance with European law.

The conference elaborates on the Privacy Bridges project. In this project, led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology based in Boston and the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam, American and European privacy experts work together to find practical and pragmatic ‘privacy bridges’, aiming to improve the level of data protection. These bridges may also help citizens, companies and governments in the U.S., the EU and other parts of the world to deal more effectively with the existing differences in privacy legislation, without trying to change the legal systems or diminish the afforded level of protection. These ‘privacy bridges’ will be the basis for the discussions at the conference’s open session.

Tour du Monde
An overview of (all) relevant privacy and data protection related developments since April 2014 will be presented and discussed during the plenary session, the ‘tour du monde’ . The overview includes positive and negative developments within different jurisdictions regarding  legislation, jurisprudence, the role of DPA’s, the business world and technological trends.Representatives from different continents will subsequently present their views on the future. What will be the main developments in their part of the world for the year(s) to come?

